Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 11, 2008, Site Meeting

It has been several weeks since I was at the site and almost a month since I have updated the blog. I did not take pictures at the last site visit. As you can tell, the project has come along dramatically in the last month. The building is starting to really come together. The roof is complete enough for the drywall to be hung and finished inside the building. You will also notice all the conduit, duct, and sprinkler system pipe that has been run along the ceiling. The outside is looking good as well. The brick work has almost been completed. The windows will be installed as soon as the brick work is done. You will also not the dryvit work just under the roof over hang. This is going to add a nice touch to the outside finish.

This picture shows the sheet rock above the block. The block will be painted red and the sheet rock above will be a tan color.

This is a picture of the bar area. You will notice the finish area above the bar. Ceiling tiles will be placed inside this area to provide a cleanable surface above the bar.

The duct work is being installed.

This a picture of the frame for the right patio canopy.

The brick work is almost complete. The dryvit detail under the roof over hang is starting to take shape.

The view of Bryant Denny Stadium from the roof. You will notice finished metal roof color.